We welcome you to our annual Spring Fundraiser. For more info click here.
School begins Monday, august 19 for the 2024-25 school year!
We are still accepting registration for the current school year.
Contact our office for more information (530) 518-4092
Email office@chicohopeacademy.com
Hope academy offers full day in person education!
Our school day goes from 8:30am - 3PM Monday - Friday
A school where learning is personal and centered on Christ!
Located in Chico, CA
Imagine a school...
…that truly addresses the needs of the whole child.
…where children's spiritual development is as important as their cognitive growth.
…where all decisions are made based on God's Word and on what is good for children.
…where teachers model Jesus to the children and teach them to love one another through the power of the Holy Spirit.
…where best practices and cutting-edge curriculum set the standard for excellence so that our graduates are equipped as ambassadors for Christ.
…where a partnership between parents, students and staff is highly valued.
We have committed our school to God for His glory and the good of our children. Will you join us?
Re-imagining education, a student-centered learning environment
Find out about our organization, mission, our methods, and the results of our incredible program!