Monthly Tuition (K-8)

  • Tuition is $6,075 per year (monthly payments can be set up from Sept-May)

  • Families with multiple children will receive a discount for each additional child enrolled.

1st Student = $6,075 per year

2nd Student = $5,467 per year (10% discount)

3rd Student = $4,860 per year (20% discount)

  • There is a $350 (K-2) and $400 (6-8) registration fee per student that covers curriculum materials, school supplies, school t-shirts and field trips.  

Monthly Tuition (T-K)

  • Tuition is $3,600 per year (monthly payments can be set up from Sept-May)

  • There is a $150 registration fee per student that covers curriculum materials, school supplies, and school t-shirts.

HOPE ACADEMY does not require uniforms.

HOPE ACADEMY respects your privacy and will never release your contact information, check information, or credit card information, unless required by law.