Frequently Asked Questions
What is a PSP?
We are a Private school Satellite Program. that means you are registered under our school affidavit as required by the education code, but you are essentially your own private school.
What am I responsible for?
You choose and purchase your own curriculum, determine your own schedule, and have flexibility to begin and end your school year when you want (180 days are required). You will hand in a sample of work from each core subject area once a trimester, a list of your main curriculum (course of study), and a completed attendance form (we provide) at the end of the year. you are also required to have your child tested at the end of the year to measure progress. K-3 will be benchmark tested in reading and math in early June; 4th-8th graders have the option to take a standardized test we administer in May.
What does Hope Academy provide?
A credentialed teacher with homeschooling experience will help guide you in curriculum choices and scheduling, oversee your paperwork (portfolio for trimester work and CUM file for official school documentation), consult with you any time you have questions or problems arise, and keep you in compliance with state and federal laws. your student is also able to take enrichment courses on campus as well as chapels (once a month), and school pictures in October. Benchmark testing is covered in your tuition; there is a fee for standardized testing.
We also have co-ops, a group of moms that take field trips and do projects together. In early spring, we have a Home school Open House so our students can share projects, oral presentations, and connect with one another.
What makes us unique?
The amount of freedom we offer differs from other programs. Because we are not a public school, we are able to allow families greater freedom and flexibility, while still providing structure and support for those who are new to homeschooling or just want someone making sure they are staying on track.
What is tuition?
Tuition is $400 for up to 2 students. (or $40 per month September-June)
Tuition is $450 for 3 or more students. (or $45 per month September-June)